This is the first line of the novel. It had my attention right away! I wanted to know more, I actually couldn't stop reading. Even though we know right away about the murder, and what happened to Annie Doyle, you still want to know more and find out what will happen next to this dysfunctional bunch of characters. You have Karen, who cannot let go of her sister's disappearance, you have Laurence that is struggling with a lot in his life, and then finally Lydia, Laurence's mother, she is definitely struggling with some issues in her life. The whole premise of this story is insane, it's 100% a psychological thriller!
The book is told in different POVs and goes from 1980 to 1985 to 2016. I really loved that you had the whole picture of the story, from the whole timeline of events. However, this is a not a neatly "tied up" ending. It was maddening, and I still had many questions. All I could think of was Norman Bates when reading this novel! It really reminded me of Psycho by Hitchcock (no spoilers don't worry).
Overall, great story that just keeps you guessing! Highly recommend.
Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for providing me with an electronic ARC of this book via NetGalley. As usual, my reviews are my honest and unbiased opinions.
Synopsis :
husband did not mean to kill Annie Doyle, but the lying tramp deserved it.
On the surface, Lydia Fitzsimons has the
perfect life—wife of a respected, successful judge, mother to a
beloved son, mistress of a beautiful house in Dublin. That beautiful house,
however, holds a secret. And when Lydia’s son, Laurence, discovers its secret,
wheels are set in motion that lead to an increasingly claustrophobic and
devastatingly dark climax.
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