Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward Review

You know when everyone says how great a book is and you start reading it and it's not quite what you expected? That's what happened with Beautiful Bad by Annie Ward. I'm not saying the book is bad but it simply did not grab my attention. I would have loved it more if there was more chapters about the actual killing and whodunit and why instead of all the different timelines that goes back and forth and only ended up confusing. 

The pacing is slow and at times, some events seemed insignificant. Even though the ending was predictable, the final twist was shocking as I didn't realise just how crazy the murderer was. What made the book a little bit more interesting was Maddie's character.

As I've said before, my low rating doesn't necessarily mean the book is bad. It just didn't fall into my preferred genre.

My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

Here's a quick synopsis:
Maddie and Ian's romance began with a chance encounter at a party overseas; he was serving in the British army and she was a travel writer visiting her best friend, Jo. Now almost two decades later, married with a beautiful son, Charlie, they are living the perfect suburban life in Middle America. But when a camping accident leaves Maddie badly scarred, she begins attending writing therapy, where she gradually reveals her fears about Ian's PTSD; her concerns for the safety of their young son, Charlie; and the couple's tangled and tumultuous past with Jo.

From the Balkans to England, Iraq to Manhattan, and finally to an ordinary family home in Kansas, sixteen years of love and fear, adventure and suspicion culminate in The Day of the Killing, when a frantic 911 call summons the police to the scene of a shocking crime. (Reference : Goodreads)

Happy reading,

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