The Wives | Tarryn Fischer | Graydon House | Pub : December 30, 2019 | Pages : 256 This was my first Taryn Fischer book and it did not disappoint! She’s very close to Colleen Hoover and Colleen is one of my favorite author! All the books that I have read are all 5 stars, so I couldn’t wait to read a Taryn Fischer book. Right from the start I couldn’t put it down. I was in a book slump beforehand and this definitely got me out! This book will be very hard to review was I am struggling to not give anything away. Let’s just say there are many surprises along the way! The only POV we have is from the main character’s perspective…When that happens it’s hard for the reader to cipher what is real and what isn’t. I also loved how the story was narrated, it was like someone was telling me a story. Overall, this was a very unpredictable, insane but insanely amazing psychological thriller! Oh, and I can’t forget about the ending…utterly shocking. Loved every second of it! Thank you to HARLEQUI......
One More Lie | Amy Lloyd | HarperCollins |  Pub : April 4, 2019|  Pages : 400 My friend read this book and absolutely adored it, so I had very high hopes for this novel. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy it as much as she did. The book was pretty slow and had lots of character development. It took almost 60% for the story to pick up a bit. There was also no crazy twist and turns that you would probably expect from a thriller. Which was kind of disappointing. The story is told from two different perspectives and goes back and forth from past to present. I did enjoy some of the past chapters as we gained a little bit more insight into the incident that happened to our main character when she was younger. The ending fell flat, and I was not as engaged in the story as I could have been. It was a quick and easy read though, just not for me. I prefer high-paced, suspenseful, twisty books! Thank you to HARLEQUIN – Trade Publishing for providing me with the audiobook AR......
The Unlucky One | Kerry Wilkinson | Bookouture | Pub : July 9, 2019 | Pages : 326 This is book #14 in the Jessica Daniel series. These can be read as standalone's; I’ve started reading the series at book #13 and I want to keep going. Plus, the ratings are extremely high for this series! And I get why, I really love Jessica Daniel’s character, I loved her drive to search for the truth no matter what. Kind of reminds me of the Josie Quinn series a bit! In this installment, Jessica oversees an estate with a vanishingly low crime rate. It was, however, one of the highest in prior years. Jessica believes in her gut that something is awry. Many advise her to leave things alone, but anybody who knows Jessica knows she can't. In other parts of town, murders are taking place, which is producing their own set of issues. People are being murdered the same way they have escaped death before. This leads to Jessica launching an inquiry. These become sort of two separate storylines. I highl......